Information for partners

Our IUT is currently partnered with numerous universities both in Europe and outside of the European Union. We are delighted to welcome around 100 foreign exchange students each year. 

International activities

  • Student and staff mobility for teaching and training: exchange programmes for teaching and administrative staff, Erasmus programmes for students, bilateral agreements with foreign countries. 
  • International networking with universities abroad in order to sign mobility agreements.
  • Internships abroad
  • Internationalising students’ curriculums thanks to online mobility projects (COIL)
  • Setting up an international workshop: the ILE project (International Laboratory for lEarning)
  • A language centre (in French:SDLorService des Langues)

Partnerships and mobility

Collaborations with over 70 partner universities and an expanding partner university network (through Erasmus+, for example).

Coordinating student mobility: both incoming and outgoing.

Advice, preparation, coordination and support for outgoing students during their studies abroad. 

Organising events for both incoming and outgoing students. 

Partner Universities 

The IUT Montpellier-Sète has partnered with several foreign universities. These collaborations have been set up as part of both Erasmus + and bilateral agreements (outside Europe). 

Find the full list of our partner universities on the map below: 

Fact Sheet 

Fact Sheet

The Language Centre (SDL)

The Language Centre, or SDL (Service Des Langues), organises English classes for five teaching departments and German, Spanish and Italian classes for all students at the Montpellier Campus.

Classes are taught by permanent professors and visiting international professors in both regular classrooms and multimedia rooms. 

The SDL brings together all the IUT’s teaching departments regarding projects and events such as Movember, Speech Battles and English Day.

International Laboratory for lEarning

The ILE is a Learning Lab dedicated to innovative learning with an international focus. The International Laboratory for lEarning offers different workspaces in an adaptable environment of around 100m² designed for international activities. 

The International Team

A team of 12 people is involved in the International at the IUT Montpellier-Sète, providing support for international students before, during and after their mobility.

  • Head of International Relations:Céline FABRE

The International Office:

  • Office Manager: Stéphanie THIESSE
  • International Coordinator (Outgoing study mobility) :Maria VILLAUME
  • International Coordinator (Internship mobility & incoming study mobility) : Charlotte POUDEVIGNE

International representatives in each department:

Chemistry Montpellier: Elodie GIOAN


Biology: Catherine GOUCHAULT

Applied Physics: Lucyna FIRLEJ

Electrical Engineering: Eva LEGRAIS

Computer Science: Simon ROBILLARD

Business and Administration: Daran HARRIS

Business and Marketing: Geneviève GIMENEZ(Internship mobility) &Nancy RODRIGUEZ(Outgoing study mobility) &Michèle PELOFI(Incoming study mobility)